Sunday, May 11, 2014

Name: Tia

I thought it would be weird to say, “Hello, I’m Tia” because, to me, that just sounds extremely awkward. Although just putting, “Name: Tia” isn’t all that great either, so there’s really no winning in this situation. Now you know my name though, so I suppose I did my job.

I’ve never been great at talking about myself, though I can tell you quite a few stupid stories about myself. Nonetheless, it seems appropriate to say something. So, here are some things about myself you may find interesting:

I have a strong love of hot drinks, like tea and hot cocoa, but on the rare occasions I drink coffee, it’s always iced. I think sunflowers are prettier than roses. I used to hate my hair with a passion, but I’ve made my peace with it. I’ve also accepted the fact that I will never be Ariana Grande, Zoe Sugg, or Audrey Hepburn (but that still doesn’t make me any happier about it). I love winter but I hate the cold. When I find a show on Netflix I love, I spend my weekend watching every episode of it nonstop. Friends, The Dick Van Dyke Show and How I Met Your Mother will always have a special place in my heart. I’m most creative on long car trips. If I ask how you are, I actually want to know. I would be the world’s worst critic because unless something is wildly horrible I will love it. I don’t have any phobia’s but I really hate spiders, ants, and most other insect type things (ladybugs and butterflies excluded). I’m fairly girly but I’m not a big fan of sparkles or pink. The internet is basically a second home to me.

Now that you know all that about me, I'm pretty sure that makes us best friends. So, hello best friend! I hope you're having a marvelous day!

~Tia xo

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